September is Healthy Aging Month

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There are many health awareness months in September, and Healthy Aging Month is one of them. This month is designated as a time to focus on the positive side of growing older.

It’s never too late for your clients to find something that makes them happy. This can include a new hobby or passion such as walking, water aerobics or building a family tree.

If your clients want to reinvent themselves during Healthy Aging Month, suggest some of the following tips:

    • Tell your clients not to act their age. If 25 was the best year of their life, tell them to return to that mindset. They’ll feel younger and have more energy.
    • Encourage seniors to turn away from negative friends who bring them down.
    • Smiling is a great way to feel better about yourself. It’s also contagious, so smiling around others will help the entire room feel happier. If clients are less confident about their smile because of their teeth, recommend a teeth cleaning or whitening service.
    • Your parents weren’t kidding when they said that standing up straight can help your appearance. Having good posture can make clients of senior care services look years younger. Tell them to pull in their stomach, hold back their shoulders and keep their chin up. 
    • Introduce your client to their artist side. Recommend music lessons, a painting class or woodworking.