Self-care for caregivers: 2 tips

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If you provide senior care, whether on a respite basis or as part of a 24 hour in home care plan, it’s important for you to take care of yourself first. You can’t do all you have to for your clients and their families if you’re running on empty. Here are a few ways to make sure you’re at your best when you are providing care:

    • Start a journal. Having a safe place to release frustrations you may encounter over the course of your work is important. While venting to family and friends has its place, anything you decide to record in a journal is absolutely private, which can be just what you need on some days. You can also use a journal to write down things that have gone well for later encouragement, and to start a practice of gratitude. Even taking a few minutes to think of three things you are grateful for at the end of the day can make a big difference in your outlook.
    • Take time for yourself. Between being a caregiver and addressing your other responsibilities, it’s easy to feel there isn’t any time for you to do the things you like. Make a conscious effort to schedule alone time for yourself – get a massage, go to a movie or just sit and relax with a crossword puzzle. These moments can rejuvenate you and get you ready for the work ahead.