Caregiver Support

Caring for senior citizens or disabled individuals that require daily assistance can be a very rewarding and very challenging responsibility. Family members often take on the caregiver role while trying to live their own lives. They may have small children to care for, full-time jobs, or they might be trying to finish school. The added responsibility of caring for someone that may require constant supervision, transportation assistance, meal preparation, or even personal care is a lot for any person to handle on their own.

In-home care services are meant to help ease the burden and stress of caring for individuals who cannot take care of themselves independently. It is also one of the most requested services because it gives individuals the opportunity to receive health care from the comfort of their own home. For caregivers, this service helps alleviate the stress of constant caretaking.

What Services Does In-Home Care Provide?

    • Individualized CareIn-home care providers are great because they can provide individual, personalized care. This type of one-on-one care helps allow the provider to meet the specific needs of the family.
    • Independence Many older individuals who receive in-home care can perform some of their daily tasks, but not all of them. In-home providers can assist with the tasks that individuals cannot perform, and allow them to continue their independent living as well as they can.
    • Companionship People who require in-home care often express feelings of isolation and loneliness. If an individual is unable to transport himself, social interaction starts to decline. In-home caregivers are great to talk to and laugh with, they will listen and offer support and guidance, and they will provide friendship.

All of the responsibilities that in-home caregivers take on support the families and caregivers when they need it most. Caregiver burnout is a real experience and can be significantly decreased by having in-home professionals help with daily tasks like:

    • Bathing, dressing, and personal care of the individual
    • Driving the individual to and from appointments
    • Grocery shopping and meal preparation
    • Light housework

Caregivers also provide emotional, mental, and physical support, in addition to helping with daily activities.

Recognizing Caregiver Burnout

There are specific signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout to watch for:

    • Lack of interest in hobbies and pastimes
    • Altered sleeping and eating habits
    • Lack of social interest or desire to spend time with people
    • Having suicidal or violent thoughts (this can indicate extreme burnout)
    • Trouble getting over colds and other minor illnesses
    • Yelling and losing control of emotions
    • Feelings of hopelessness and despair

People suffering from caregiver burnout are in need of help. Knowing when you need help is half the battle. If any of these signs show up, it might be time to look into having in-home support from a professional in-home caregiver that can help. Using in-home care to alleviate overwhelming burdens and stresses doesn’t mean that you cannot provide any caregiving support if you want to, but it is important to recognize when your own health is compromised and when it’s time for someone else to step in. For more resources check out